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Psicóloga por la Vida y la Verdad

  We have entered the age of

bio-nano-tech imperialism.


I support the freedom to disagree and resist the psychological strategies of manipulation, coercion, flattery and bribery which are being used to increase the fear, hence reinforcing the  orchestrated pandemy and it's mandatory policies.

I don't comply, i don't consent, i refuse, disapprove and repudiate the violence and crimes we have been through since 2020 by the technocapitalists elites, who through an orchestrated pandemy with plotted perverse goals, has been implementing diverse tyrannical techniques for the programming and control of the human behavior, transgressing human rights, banishing scientifical and health professionists, aplying force and repression of the police to follow mandates, using the media to misinform, censor and coerce, and committing intentional murders which in short will be revealed as a global genocide.


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Psicóloga por la Vida y la Verdad 
Psicología Clínica y Psicoanálisis

Once largely informed about what a gene therapy is and it's biopsychosocial and political implications, it is my choice to not take the gene therapy -being conscious that: taking the gene therapy hence accepting every imposition that attempts the elemental human rights, is the entrace to a life reduced no more than that of a binary code or a bar code, and with it, to a technofascist dogma of digital slavery and abusive technocapitalism.  

By now and forever, I don't comply and i dont 'consent with any dystopian policies of the orchestrated Great Panic, which includes: abusive lockdowns, mask mandates, gene therapy, mandatory vaccination campaign, health passports and unethical and unlawful practices towards a technoglobalist fascism, aka ' Great Reset - New World Order '.

Note. The above declaration has been published for the first time in July 6th 2021 in one of my professional social media profiles, in solidarity with colleages and people that is being harmed by the Corona Mandatory Policies - particularly Mandatory Vaccination, whose correct name is Gene Therapy - and insisting on clarifying the incogruency of mental health workers who has been falling into complicity, by promoting false ideology and disease. Mandatory Vaccination is irrespective, irresposible and harmful.  

If one wishes to say that some movement or group facilitates fascism, one might look at the vaccine mandates.


Prof. Mattias Desmet, Clinical Psychologist and Psychoanalyst


"The conscience of guilt and the feeling of duty would be the two characteristic properties of the gregarious animal.

- Sigmund Freud

Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego, 1921.

Mass formation is a sort of hypnosis… mental intoxication. - Mattias Desmet


Professor Mattias Desmet - Desmet shows the mechanisms behind the emergence and sustaining of this crisis. What kind of people send these systems and how they influence the population.

Mass psychology: 4 ground principles must be available if you want to show large-scale phenomena:

1) Social isolation (people with lack of social bonding)

2) Enough people who don't see sense in life.

3) Lots of free floating fear

4) Lots of free floating dissatisfaction

This means fear and dissatisfaction not specially linked to a specific subject.

With these 4 points available, society is highly susceptible to mass phenomena.

These 4 points were present on a massive scale just before the crisis. There was an ′ ′ epidemic ′ ′ of burn outs, more than 40 to 70% of the population sees their job as meaningless. As described in the 2018 book ′ ′ bullshit jobs ′ ′ by anthropologist David Graeber

And one of the best evidence of the mass dissatisfaction is still using anti depressants. In Belgium with its 11 million inhabitants, over 300 million doses of anti depressants per year!

When all these elements are present, the population is looking for something to link this fear or dissatisfaction to.

The mainstream media will help shape this object.

Next, the population starts a heroic battle with this object of fear. This creates a new form of social bond and singularity, all of a sudden life is aimed at fighting against the object of fear and thus creating a new connection with the fellow man.

And this sudden reversal of fear, dissatisfaction and social isolation to a new social connection and a collective struggle against the object of fear creates a form of mental poisoning.

One thus: mass formation is exactly equal to (it's a form of) hypnosis.


Then it doesn't matter if the narrative right or wrong even shamelessly wrong. The important thing is that it leads to this mental poisoning. And that's why people continue to go along in the narrative, even if they could think for 1 second that it's wrong.

That is the central mechanism behind mass formation. It doesn't matter whether it's correct or incorrect for this group anymore. One does not want to go back to the state of fear, futility and uncertainty.

We must realize that if we want to change this condition, the first thing we have to do is recognize the painful fear and wonder how we ended up in this situation. In the situation of fear, social isolation, the mass social dissatisfaction.

And that we don't need a Corona crisis to create a new social bonding. We need to find other ways to solve the social problems that were there before the crisis.

So mass formation is a symptomatic solution to a real psychological problem.

It is much more of a psychological crisis than a biological crisis.











The mental stupor leads to a narrowing of the field of attention. It says that the population only see what is indicated by the story. For example, people see the victims due to the Corona virus but they don't seem to see the victims on a cognitive level due to the collateral damage. One is also unable to feel empathy for the victims of the lockdowns on an emotional level. Not because one is selfish, but because of the psychological phenomenon.

It's not selfishness, on the contrary. Mass formation focuses attention so much on one point that you can take away everything from the group, their psychological, physical, and even material wellbeing. You can take all this away without them noticing. That is one of the consequences of mass formation.

The same applies to classic hypnosis. When attention is focused on one point during a hypnosis you can cut someone into their skin without anyone noticing. This happens when hypnosis is used as anesthetic so that the person in question becomes completely insensitive to pain. In some cases, with simple hypnosis, even open heart surgery is performed where a straight through the sternum is cut without the patient feeling anything about it.

That shows us that the focus of attention is so strong, both in mass formation and hypnosis, that one becomes insensitive to all forms of personal loss that one accepts as consequence.

Another consequence that is very typical of totalitarian states is that people become radically intolerant for dissident voices.

When someone tells a different story or says the official story is incorrect and tries to wake people up, they face the original fear and dissatisfaction. So they focus all their aggression on these dissident voices. And at the same time they are radically tolerant of their leaders. These can do whatever they want, lie and cheat. They will always be forgiven by the group. Because people are convinced they are doing it for their own good.

That is also part of the mechanism of mass formation.

Prof. Mattias Desmet goes into the question whether the people making the decisions in this crisis know what they are doing.

Reiner Fuellmich asks what kind of people are, if these people are all psychopaths.

Mattias Desmet says that we should look at the people who have imported totalitarian state into the USSR and in Nazi Germany. And one thing is clear, they are not ordinary criminals. Because most of these people know very well how to behave according to social rules. These individuals, unlike real criminals, are characterized by the fact that they abide by the rules even when these rules themselves are radically criminal.

It is also true that the narrowing of the focus field of the leaders of a totalitarian system is even closer than that of the population. That means the totalitarian leaders really believe in the ideology according to which they want to shape society. They are convinced, for example, of transhumanism, of mechanical materialism.

They are convinced that this ideology will bring the population into an artificial paradise.

This is something that comes in all totalitarian systems. The leaders have a deep belief in ideology and they want to create this artificial paradise. We have seen this in the Soviet Union and in Nazi Germany.

That's why they feel like they can sacrifice some of the population to reach this paradise.

We also saw this at Hitler, he thought it was perfectly justified to sacrifice some of the population. To achieve a final condition that would be best for everyone.

According to Prof. Mattias Desmet, it's almost impossible to remove the masses from hypnosis, but that we still have to keep talking openly, that's the only way to make hypnosis less deep. Otherwise, the hypnosis keeps getting deeper.


The totalitarian system based on mass formation is a self destructive mechanism.

Which is completely different in a dictatorship, where the dictator will milder after his initial success because he realizes he must have the people behind him.

Bio: Mattias Desmet is a Professor of Clinical Psychology at the Department of Psychology and Educational Sciences of Ghent University (Belgium) and he works as a psychoanalyst in private practice. Desmet is the author of the books The Pursuit of Objectivity in Psychology and Lacan's Logic of Subjectivity: A Walk on the Graph of Desire.


El totalitarismo no es una coincidencia histórica. Es la consecuencia lógica de una creencia delirante en la omnipotencia de la razón humana; es el síntoma por excelencia de la tradición de la Ilustración.

El derecho a la privacidad se está erosionando, la (auto)censura está aumentando rápidamente, la salud del individuo se está convirtiendo cada vez más en un asunto del estado, el número de acciones intrusivas por parte de los servicios de seguridad está creciendo exponencialmente - en las últimas décadas, el control de el gobierno sobre la vida privada del individuo ha ido en aumento. La visión distópica de Hannah Arendt de un nuevo tipo de totalitarismo que emerge después de la caída del nazismo y el estalinismo, dirigido por burócratas y tecnócratas tontos, es notablemente realista en el horizonte social.

Este libro ofrece un análisis psicológico cristalino de la aparición histórica del totalitarismo y el fenómeno asociado de formación de masas. También presenta un agudo análisis social-crítico de fenómenos como la cultura del despertar, el movimiento climático y la cultura del miedo que llegó a su punto crítico durante la coronacrisis.


Bio: Mattias Desmet es profesor de Psicología Clínica en el Departamento de Psicología y Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Ghent (Bélgica) y trabaja como psicoanalista en la práctica privada. Desmet es autora de los libros La búsqueda de la objetividad en psicología y La lógica de la subjetividad de Lacan: un paseo por el gráfico del deseo.

"The feelings of the mass are always very simple and very exaggerated. The mass therefore knows neither doubts nor uncertainties. He immediately runs to extremes, the touched suspicion is immediately transformed into irrefutable evidence, an incipient antipathy into ferocious hatred. […] Although prone to all extremes, the mass can be excited only by excessive stimuli. Whoever wishes to act on it does not need logical coherence between their arguments; he has to paint in the most violent colors, exaggerate and repeat the same thing over and over. "  

- Sigmund Freud, Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego, 1921


"Lo que sí me interesa personalmente son las invariantes de la naturaleza humana. No creo que hayamos evolucionado desde el punto de vista de la psicología humana". (Cita en entrevista 'Totalitarismo: Qué es?')

ARIANE BILHERAN, Filósofa, Psicóloga Clínica y Doctora en Psicopatología:


Si mi hipótesis es correcta (estamos tratando con multimillonarios que se han vuelto totalmente paranoicos a través de su carrera y la posesión de sus miles de millones: como todos los paranoicos, afirman estar salvando el mundo sacrificándolo!), si el contenido del delirio pandémico ya no es suficiente para ejercer este abuso de poder (miedo) sobre la población, o si la evidencia lo desafía demasiado, es posible que se proponga una desviación con otro delirio cuyo contenido será diferentes pero cuya estructura será la misma:
1. terror
2° Un enemigo designado como perseguidor
3° Hostigamiento y exhortación al sacrificio para erradicar al enemigo y perseguirlo.
4° El que ha creado la ficción del enemigo designado se presenta como el salvador.

Christian Dubuis Santini:

​"Unas palabras sobre el excelente trabajo realizado por Ariane Bilheran en "El debate prohibido", un estudio que no dudo en situar en la línea acertada de Victor Klemperer (LTI, La langue du IIIe Reich) porque como él, Ariane Bilheran describe la dictadura sanitaria con un rigor que nada tiene que envidiar al filólogo, lo que le permite detectar la "diferencia totalitaria" que fue la del régimen nazi cuando resultó que tenía el poder no solo para maltratar y derrocar a sus enemigos (reales o imaginarios), sino también para enturbiar las palabras y la mente de sus víctimas en el fango de su jerga y propaganda.

Observadora a la vez horrorizada y despiadada, mantiene intacta su lucidez para permitirnos comprender cómo se puede hacer que el sujeto del discurso mediático fluya de mala gana al lenguaje del perseguidor, esas personas cuyas manifestaciones de compasión transmiten sin saberlo el veneno de la ideología y sangrar los corazones de aquellos a quienes se dirigen no menos que la brutalidad policial que se ha convertido en un lugar común..." -Christian Dubuis Santini

Capítulo 2 LA PERVERSIÓN DEL LENGUAJE CON FINES POLÍTICOS, ANÁLISIS DEL LENGUAJE COVID Y SU SEMÁNTICA (Extracto del libro "El Debate Prohibido", coescrito por Ariane Bilheran):

Estamos viviendo una violación política del lenguaje, es decir, un cambio en la connotación axiológica de las palabras. Las palabras, al perder su valor, pueden revertir la designación de víctimas y verdugos: “Mucha deshonestidad surge cuando masacras la lengua, cuando pones el sujeto en acusativo y el complemento del objeto en nominativo, desdibujando así las letras, invirtiendo los roles de víctimas y verdugos, aboliendo distinciones y jerarquías en villanas orgías de conceptos y sentimientos que alteran la verdad.

​En esta crisis sanitaria, las palabras se pervierten por un proceso de envilecimiento del lenguaje. Son secuestrados y tomados como rehenes, por ejemplo en esta curiosa metáfora del virus tomado “en pinzas” (discurso de E. Macron del 31 de marzo de 2021), a la que volveremos más adelante.

Falacias de principio de la política desplegada.

​El nuevo lenguaje Covid restringe el campo de nuestra reflexión al privarnos de la posibilidad de pensar más allá de su nuevo léxico, con sus articulaciones pseudológicas. Como hemos indicado, se elimina el carácter complejo de la realidad para reducirla a una concepción binaria de salud, sociedad, economía y política. En primer lugar, la pseudoargumentación se establece sobre la base de falacias.

La manipulación del discurso consiste en crear falsos silogismos, llamados "falacias", sin el conocimiento de los oyentes sin que se haga visible el desarrollo lógico de la falacia. Es en esto, además, que radican las manipulaciones de la oratoria, de las cuales las últimas generaciones son tanto más víctimas cuanto que ya no estudian sus manantiales dentro del Sistema Nacional de Educación, lejos de las enseñanzas de la antigua Instrucción Pública.

​Las características infundadas de la gravedad de la pandemia y la efectividad de las medidas sociales operan como premisas falsas, generando restricciones a la libertad. La forma inválida de razonamiento se organiza en torno a proposiciones dispares y amalgamas incesantes, que impiden cualquier posibilidad de articulación lógica verdadera.

La certeza delirante colectiva, de tipo paranoide, se basó en primeros principios erróneos, luego en una construcción del discurso orquestado sobre la fe, sin aceptar la menor duda. Esta fe se organizó, desde un principio, sobre tres sofismas, no revelados pero presentes en el trasfondo ideológico de discursos y decisiones políticas, y que presentaremos a continuación:

​1° La epidemia justifica una dictadura.

2° Sólo una vacuna puede bloquear la epidemia.

3° Una vacuna es el único medio que salvará a la humanidad del gran peligro que la amenaza.

También podríamos proponer sofismas similares, que se suman a los primeros y son otras tantas creencias erróneas admitidas en

certezas y repetido hasta la saciedad: no hay otro tratamiento que la vacuna (la vacuna se considera un tratamiento), no saldremos de la crisis hasta que haya una vacuna, la Constitución ya no es necesaria porque estamos en un estado de excepción, que justifica un gobierno por decretos (se confisca la ley), etc.

Dado que mucho se ha dicho sobre la charlatanería en 2020 en Francia, apostamos a que estas falacias, en el corazón del discurso político sobre el tema, caen bajo la charlatanería en la lógica y el pseudo-razonamiento que no se preocupa más por encontrar la verdad. Este pseudo-razonamiento, lo llamamos en psicopatología, cuando se sistematiza en torno a la persecución (estamos “en guerra” contra un virus que nos desea el mal), una “locura razonadora”: entra en el campo de la psicosis paranoica, locura delirante que se propaga fácilmente de una psique a otra en grupos, especialmente del lenguaje.

Sesgos interpretativos ocultos.

El argumento principal, el delirio paranoico, pierde a su interlocutor en los detalles, a menudo nítidos y elocuentes, a veces insignificantes, pero en realidad fuera de contexto.

El delirio les hace decir "algo más", lo que sustenta su construcción.

Siempre se evita cuidadosamente el argumento principal de fondo, así como la contextualización del problema y su historicidad, para ahogarse en detalles cuya interpretación pretende estigmatizar al perseguidor señalado, sean personas u objetos personificados (en este caso, aquí, el virus extranjero). ). , que luego sigue personificándose en personas que no quieren vacunarse: son portadores sanos, luego portadores enfermos, y finalmente son el propio virus.

Se dirá erradicar, así como hoy se experimenta el virus como el elemento amenazante derribado). En definitiva, se trata de absorber al individuo en detalles sin sentido, y dirigir su conducta según órdenes absurdas, cuando no contradictorias en el tiempo.
El lenguaje es esa posición estratégica donde quien se inclina sobre su estructura asiste a la disolución de los puntos de referencia que, en las figuras tradicionales de la hostilidad o la guerra, permiten operar la división entre amigo y enemigo, bien y mal. la acción virtuosa y el crimen. , civilización y barbarie...

Para evitar llevarnos a lo que cuelga en nuestras caras (y lo que Hannah Arendt llamó "una sociedad humana sin hombres") debemos luchar.

Primero con palabras.

Y otra vez…

“Recuerde que el mismo término discriminación es un nombre inapropiado.

Hay dos tipos de estigma:

1. Estigma por tratar diferente lo mismo.

2. Estigma dirigido a tratar de la misma manera a los diferentes.

En ambos casos prevalece el carácter injusto de la decisión política, con graves y graves consecuencias en la vida real de los individuos.

Las paradojas, desde este año 2020, son legión, existen dentro del pensamiento (comunicación a las personas), pero también entre palabras y acciones, y entre los ideales invocados y la realidad de la experiencia.

Paradoja 1: proteger a la población evitando que reciba tratamiento.

Ejemplo: proteger a los ancianos confinándolos y negándoles el acceso a la atención.

Paradoja 2: Permitir actividades pobladas mientras se evitan actividades despobladas.

Paradoja 3: anteponer la salud a la economía (“elección humanista”).

​El virus es considerado un criminal: ¡el virus mata! Así, los que no se movilizan contra el enemigo criminal que es el virus son criminales (¡si no estáis en contra, estáis a favor!). Y como el gobierno se moviliza contra este virus criminal, si no eres del gobierno eres cómplice del virus criminal! Las escisiones son, en psicopatología, psicosis, y se promueven en el delirio paranoico. Se organizan en torno al mandato paradójico de manera sutil, para perder por completo al interlocutor. Se trata de escindir el pensamiento, lo que conducirá a divisiones psíquicas, luego divisiones en lo colectivo bajo la manifestación de clanes ideológicamente opuestos.

Podemos notar:

1° una escisión entre la emoción y el hecho relatado (ejemplo: reírse de un

situación trágica, prodigando una intensa compasión a los pedófilos, etc.),

2° una escisión entre ideas contradictorias (ejemplo: “Estoy a favor de la pena de muerte” y unas frases más adelante: “nuestras sociedades han progresado aboliendo la pena de muerte”);

3° una división entre la intención y el proyecto (ejemplo: “es por tu propio bien que debes aceptar pagar todos estos impuestos”),

4.º Una escisión entre palabra y conducta (ejemplo: "pero quiero que nos llevemos bien", mientras que todas las acciones prueban lo contrario y son persecutorias).

the corona narrative is mass hypnosis

Covid-19 has spotlighted the promise and peril of 'transhumanism,' the idea of using technology to overcome sickness, aging and death.

Eternal life through advanced technology seems like a pipe dream for a society that, until recently, had trouble manufacturing enough masks to save doctors 'and nurses' lives. Yet Covid-19 may turn out to be just the kind of crisis needed to turbocharge efforts to create what its advocates call a “transhuman” future. With our biological fragility more obvious than ever, many people will be ready to embrace the message of the  Transhumanist Declaration , an eight-point program first issued in 1998: “We envision the possibility of broadening human potential by overcoming aging, cognitive shortcomings, involuntary suffering and our confinement to planet Earth.” - Adam Kirsch,  Looking Forward to the End of Humanity, 2020



Al llamar a las inyecciones de ARN vacunas contra el COVID en lugar de armas biológicas, estamos protegiendo a delincuentes.



1. COVID ES UNA GUERRA BIOLÓGICA contra la humanidad. NO ES UN VIRUS, sino la inoculación de INTELIGENCIA ARTIFICIAL en humanos para crear una nueva especie. Es un parásito biosintético modificado genéticamente con pulsos electromagnéticos para controlar la actividad celular a distancia. Y la proteína espiga es una nanopartícula magnetizada, una tecnología CRISPR/Cas9 mPEG. (

2. Las INYECCIONES EXPERIMENTALES ARN que hacen pasar por "Vacunas" SON DISPOSITIVOS Y TOXINAS que no son para uso humano según las propias definiciones de sus propios manufacturadores y autorizadores. ( Estas inyecciones, llamadas arbitrariamente "vacunas", son una solución al problema de crear un cambio de comportamiento sostenido" y un subtipo de terapéutica digital que utiliza el entrenamiento neurocognitivo para promover un comportamiento humano positivo utilizando tecnologías como las aplicaciones para teléfonos inteligentes."  
En realidad, el pinchazo contiene una neuroarma que puede reaccionar a las torres 5g por neuromodulación instructiva ( Se ha creado no solo para debilitar sino para modificar la biología humana con fines de control social mediante manipulación y control de emociones y del comportamiento. Las inyecciones Covid pretenden iniciar la fusión de la biología humana con los ordenadores. ( En resúmen, las inyecciones Covid, son técnicas de modificación biológica y depopulación para el control mental, social y de depopulación.

3. El GRAFENO es uno de los componentes nanotecnológicos no declarados de las inyecciones Covid ( El grafeno es un nanomaterial receptor de radiación electromagnética.  La radiación electromagnética facilita y potencia múltiples enfermedades englobadas dentro del SÍNDROME DE RADIACIÓN AGUDA, actuando como una ruleta rusa de efectos secundarios, muchos mortales. ((

4.  La razón de presentar MAGNETISMO en el brazo y/o en el cuerpo después de haber sido inyectado, es por la presencia de grafeno introducido en el cuerpo principalmente mediante la inyección Covid.


5. Están incrustando DIRECCIONES MAC DENTRO DEL CUERPO de personas inyectadas sin su consentimiento, mediante la nanotecnología inyectada en el cuerpo de las personas mediante la inyección Covid ( El documental BLUETRUTH expone un estudio hecho en México ante notario evidenciando que las señales de Bluetooth en personas inyectadas es real: 

6.  Hay una NEUROARMA DE CONTROL MENTAL en la inyección Covid. Las antenas de telefonía y el 5g excitan la nanotecnología basada en grafeno incrustada en el cuerpo de las personas mediante las inyecciones Covid, para generar NEUROMODULACIÓN, lo que puede resultar en pensamientos intrusivos, depresión, cansancio extremo, cáncer, trombos neurodegenracion ,mutagenesis etc...


Sign me up!

Ultimately, the plan is for a coevolution of biological and digital technologies, such that, “There is also a blurring between what is considered natural or organic and what is digital, engineered, or synthetic.” 15 The section of the report titled, “ Good morning, biodigital ”is perhaps most disturbing of all, as it outlines a possible glimpse into a future biodigital world. - Dr. Mercola, Transhumanism And The Great Reset

gene therapy shouldn't be called a vaccine



Nos encontramos en una guerra híbrida contra la vida en la tierra disfrazada de crisis sanitaria, guerra geopolítica y cambio climático que mediante una "AGENDA SOSTENIBLE" propone formas inhumanas de vida mediante: TECNOSALUD, GEOINGENIERÍA CLIMÁTICA, CIUDADES "INTELIGENTES", HIPERVIGILANCIA, COMIDA ARTIFICIAL, DIETA DE INSECTOS, ABORTO LEGALIZADO, PEDOFILIA LEGALIZADA, CAMBIOS DE SEXO, ETC.


Technocracy transforms society (ie, Great Reset) and Transhumanism transforms humans. Transhumanist scientists are attempting to hijack the “evolutionary process” with direct genetic editing of DNA and RNA. -  Dr. Mercola, Transhumanism Exposed Beneath Gene Therapy Vaccine 'Software Updates' To Your Body


Médicos y Profesionales de la Salud en todo el mundo ya han firmado. 

This recent press release details how reduced graphene oxide is being developed to control vagus nerve by INBRAIN Neuroelectronics.

See Dr T's video to connect the dots.


QUOTE: "... INBRAIN Neuroelectronics, a company at the intersection of medtech, deeptech and digital health dedicated to developing the world's first graphene-based intelligent neuroelectronic system, today announced a collaboration with Merck, a leading science and technology company. The aim of the collaboration is to co-develop the next generation of graphene bioelectronic vagus nerve therapies targeting severe chronic diseases in Merck's therapeutic areas through INNERVIA Bioelectronics, a subsidiary of INBRAIN Neuroelectronics.

“We aim to accelerate developments in the emerging field of bioelectronics by boosting the novel modality of selective neurostimulation,” said Laura Matz, Chief Science and Technology Officer of Merck. "Today's agreement with INNERVIA Bioelectronics gives Merck access to a unique technology that increases energy efficiency in neurostimulators and could therefore become a true enabler for digital personalized treatment of patients suffering from severe and chronic diseases such as inflammatory disorders." ... "

Behavior control, it is not science, it is not medicine.

"When will we recognize and publicly identify the medical criminals among us ?. ... We have a health care system that removes control from individuals and gives it to state-enabled doctors and insurance companies. In psychology, for example," diseases are no longer defined by pathologists but are essentially defined by a political process. "- Thomas Szasz

The death drive of pandemic policymaking

Journal de l'épidémie du C19

René y Linda Gandolfi

"The truth of desire is in itself an offense to the authority of the law." - Jacques Lacan

by Rayyan Dabbous

If we managed to close everything down so quickly, why can't everything open up again as fast? That is a question most of us are wondering about… and may PowerPoints and politicians hand us their curves and their words, I propose a psychoanalytic notion that could help us make sense of our slow policymaking nowadays: the death drive.

It has little to do with physical death: your yoga session this morning, your Stephen King novel last night, your Euro game tomorrow evening and the cigarette you will be smoking during it… they all work up your death drive. A concept that has to do with relaxing - how is it connected to the relaxation of lockdown restrictions? Why is it that we anyway talk of measures needing to be relaxed, not enforced? Why did we not think about a relaxed tourism last summer, rather than a dead one?

It took Freud a long time to theorize the death drive. Prior to its discovery, the psychoanalyst assumed that human behavior always aspired for life; that we as people shall do anything, repress anything, to feel alive or to preserve our life - physical, social, political - among mankind. Freud therefore had a hard time understanding masochism, even melancholia… why are we witnessing here a lowering of the libido?


  " L'impossible, c'est le réel, tout simplement"
- Jacques Lacan

Lacan, Us and the Real


Notes by Christian Dubuis-Santini


The virus is real, the contagion is ideological


One of the frauds on words consists in focusing attention on the side effects of a vaccine, and in swallowing the idea of binarism "for or against" (provax vs antivax) so as not to question the fundamentally unhealthy nature of the "vaccine solution.


The postmodern subject, formatted by seventy years of the ideology that gave birth to the "digital", should be warned that there is no "reinstall original settings" or "restore system" button in case of ultimate necessity.

The natural immune system works on the principle that any recovery confers immunity and will have strengthened the subject in the ordeal, so the species becomes stronger. Man can boast of a billion years of biological perfection, and since the first million and a half years that man arrived on Earth, he has been doing this, as the animals started before him.

A thoughtful and responsible public health policy would have isolated the few who were at risk of dying from the viral infection and let immunity do its job, recovery still offering by far the best immune security, the same for all mutations.

Medicine did not invent health, let alone science.  As for politics ... Take the pharmaceutical industry's interests out of the equation, and you'll see that things present themselves with a certain logic: don't get tested unless you have specific symptoms, catch it when you can't do otherwise (it's not in the "ego" that it's decided ...) and get over it.

On closer inspection, the victims of the signifier COVID will have been innumerable, and thus are to be counted among the missing:

- the so-called "left-wing" and "extreme right-wing" political opposition

- the so-called "critical" thinking submitted to the dominant diktat

- the so-called "independent" press which have become government offices

- the credibility of so-called "scientific" studies

- freedom of medical prescription

- the logic

- freedom of education

- freedom of movement

- freedom of expression

up to

- the free use of the ambient air ...

The virtual is our becoming, not our Future  

We are witnessing a paradigm shift in our era of "digitalized" capitalism, where the system modeled on the digital model not only denies the father as a person, but also dismisses the paternal function (the father's names) in what it has as a fiction of "truth", since it is the empty place of the father (the place of power in democracy) that is just as well evacuated as a "hole of the real" (the third term) by the ideology on which digital technologies are based .

The logical impasse of Western societies, dominated by the flattening of "reality" in two dimensions (the so-called 'virtual' reality, sometimes also called 'augmented reality' according to a stylistic figure called oppositional determination ...) lies in this : the algorithm is massively used to avoid the real, 'all' scenarios are conceived in order to avoid the encounter with the 'traumatic real', and the real (in its Lacanian sense) is defined precisely by that which can neither be imagined nor symbolized. To the key formula of the Capitalist Discourse "Everything is possible!". Lacan contrasts a more sober observation: the impossible happens. The Real therefore poses its presuppositions a posteriori.

The law of the retroactive performativity of the signifier, which is already found in Hegel's logic (dialectic), consists in positing its presuppositions.


The real cannot be predicted, the real occurs, the real is what will have occurred.  

Lacan thus responds with great force to the advocates of ego-psychology (psychology), where the ego (the self) is defined as 'a power of illusion, even of lie'. In this way, he brings down any pseudo-theory that gives a preponderance to the self, which "ignores the very spirit of Freudian therapy". For the psychoanalyst, the only real that we touch is the slit through which the subject defines himself. '


















The country man finally learns, on his deathbed, that the Door of the Law was there only for him, and that after his death it will disappear. The only way to overcome the master / slave dialectic is stated in this metaphor of Kafka's Door of the Law - and also Lewis Caroll's Alice's Door - (the door being the symbol par excellence), is that the subject can only pass through it as much as he wishes - the passage existing only for him.


There is an affirmative no, the no of the joyful and heroic confrontation with the adversary, the no of the struggle for affirmation, the no that is not self-surrendering ...

What Hegel called the "cunning of reason" implies a confidence in the power of unreason; if reason is indeed "cunning", it will do its work independently of our help, unreason being the absolute certainty that, no matter how carefully things have been planned, at some point or other they will go wrong ...

Doesn't Freud and Lacan fit into this perspective when psychoanalysis recommends making truth its priority, with healing following on from of it?

Take all the risks and confront the truth, health will come by itself.

Take into account the Real, the reality will follow.

Don't compromise your desire, your needs and demands will automatically be met.

Making health a direct goal is counterproductive, you must focus your energy on something else if you want your health to happen.

Reverse the mottos of common sense, to the certainties offered by reality, prefer the mystery of the real, to the fiendish smile of compromises and deceitful arrangements, prefer the bite of the truth.

To give up on words is always to have already given up on things.

I am a law only for mine own, I am not a law for all. This is now my way, where is yours?

"The truth of desire is in itself an offense to the authority of the law." - Jacques Lacan

unchain yourself-stop fake pandemy

Stop the vaccination campaign, mandatory testing and wearing masks!

photo_2023-02-04 23.34.03.jpeg


"Estamos atrapados en una dictadura sanitaria; homicidio imprudencial, genocidio y crímenes de lesa humanidad podrían fincarse a funcionarios. Tenemos que hacer justicias tanto nacional como internacional"

"Esta denuncia de hechos es un claro ejemplo de un estudio elaborado con conocimiento pleno del Derecho. Los hechos DENUNCIADOS sobre los antecedentes, causas y consecuencias de la p(L)andemia en CONTEXTO cronológico y fáctico, nos conllevan a inducir y deducir, sin temor a equivocarnos, que un grupo ELITISTA de poder (económico, político y mediático) pretende y ha dañado a la humanidad, como ningún otro grupo totalitario y absolutista en la historia de nuestra propia existencia, tomando en consideración probatoria que: 

a) Han desarrollado y/o modificado genética y artificialmente un Coronavirus (de ontología natural) para traspasar las células humanas, infectándolas -mortalmente y dañinamente- como un Arma biológica de destrucción
masiva y, 
b) han desarrollado, distribuido y comercializado unas “Vacunas” (que ni técnica ni científicamente lo son) y que en realidad son los “medios comisivos” para efectuar una estrategia patológica de despoblación mundial, con intereses económicos y políticos (brutales y muy definidos) realizando la adecuación de sus conductas a los delitos de GENOCIDIO, TERRORISMO Y DELINCUENCIA ORGANIZADA.

















En el video el abogado Guillermo Hamdan presentó su petición de 101 preguntas al presidente de la República sobre el manejo de la Pandemia Covid-19, de las que se podrían alegar delitos ante la atención ineficiente, ineficaz y nula transparencia de como se ha gestionado la "crisis sanitaria".

corona research
Lawful ways to stop unlawful mandates

Catch up the updated folder with documents, articles, studies, images.  

The folder in question comprehends a vast, open, accessible and transparent compilation of documents gathered from journalists, scientists and lawyers whose purpose is to provide information that helps to understand and deepen into the current narrative of the orchestrated Great Panic of 2020 -arbitrarily named ' Pandemy'-, and it's totalitarian fear tactics used to manipulate and control the population to compliance with dystopian policies, which includes: abusive lockdowns, mask mandates, gene therapy, mandatory vaccination campaign and unethical practices towards a technoglobalist fascism, aka 'Great Reset' .

You will also find thousands of testimonials of jab injuries, followed of valuable information towards a possible Medical Treatment -with its corresponding scientific studies-, plus Lawful Ways To Stop Unlawful Mandates.


useful links


Christian Dubuis Santini's seminar, intends to federate, around an impossible school of psychoanalysis, the subjects who no longer find their way into the institutionalized and perverted forms of psychoanalysis transmission, carried as they are by the desire to be faithful to Lacan's teaching, to his letter and to his spirit.


At Stop World Control you can download dozens of scientific studies and investigative reports that confirm Dr Reiner Fuellmich's claim that the pandemic is a crime against humanity. Stop World Control  also created several in depth reports that prove how the pandemic was planned for decades

This documents help you protect your life when your rights are violated by not following unlawful dispositions, to refuse vaccine mandates and ways to take action against the terorrism of vaccine mandates.  If the laws in your country are different, you can use these documents as guidelines, to make your own documents. 

THE GLOBAL ASHMONY: Chronicles of Gustavo Dessal

"Modern man begins to lose consciousness. Modern man has stopped conceiving a distance between his factuality and the possibilities of realizing his dreams, because the current civilization not only does not demand a renunciation, but it instills in him the conviction of that happiness is available to anyone. "

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