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What is psychoanalytic psychotherapy and how does it work?

THE PSYCHOANALYSIS  it is both a theory of the human mind and a therapeutic practice. It was founded by Sigmund Freud between 1885 and 1939 and continues to be developed by psychoanalysts around the world. Psychoanalysis has four main areas of application:


  1. as a theory of how the mind works.

  2. as a method of treatment for mental problems.

  3. as a research method, and

  4. as a way of seeing cultural and social phenomena such as literature, art, cinema, performances, politics, and groups. (1)


PSYCHOANALYTICAL PSYCHOTHERAPY is a method of psychotherapy focused on the observation and psychoanalytic listening in the face of discomfort and the recognition of the processes of the unconscious that affect and determine the acts, thoughts and feelings of those who suffer, through an increase in the understanding of their own world internal.


Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy provides a safe and confidential place to talk about our emotional difficulties and their causes, differing from other forms of therapy in that it pursues a deep and lasting change both in our emotional life and in the quality of our relationships with others. so it is an effective treatment for a wide variety of psychological difficulties.


Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy is particularly effective in those people who are motivated to discover and solve the causes that cause them suffering.


(1) Definition by the IPA


  • Anxiety

  • Chronic sadness

  • Fears and Phobias

  • Low self-esteem

  • Identity crisis

  • Emotional dependence

  • Destructive relationships

  • Traumatic events (separation, divorce, death of a loved one, change of profession;  among others)

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